måndag 17 september 2012


Got such annoying news today. I was planning on getting an accounting internship with one of the oil and gas companies here in Houston next summer, and figured since that would be within the field of my major that there wouldn't be any problems regarding my international student status. Apparently I was wrong. So instead of doing an internship and be a fulltime employee during the summer like a regular person, I now have to make sure that I can get college credits for  it and therefore also pay tuition. If they even let me get credits for it. And then there would be all the extra paperwork and explaining for the recruiters about my visa status.Ugh.

It might not sound all that bad but there is just always something when being here on an F-1 visa. The other week I got a letter from the DMV saying that they had documents stating that my legal stay in America ends September 19 this year and that I would have to provide them with additional paperwork to prove that I can stay here legally or else they will suspend my drivers license. How can they have documents proving that I'm supposed to leave this year when neither my visa nor my passport has that info...??!! Oh, and last month I also had to fill out several forms in the payroll office because I had left the country for ten days during the summer. If I didn't do so, I wouldn't get paid at work. So strange!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it would be nice if they cut us international students some slack sometimes, lol.

1 kommentar:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about all your frustration. I know how much it sucks! And yes they do cut us a slack when we say 'Yes I do' in church ;)

    Your visa does have the information when you are suppose to leave the country. Mine also was stated on the driving licence
