Imorn början senior registration för kurserna nästa termin. Seniors får registrera sig först, juniors två dagar senare, sophomores en dag efter det, och sist freshmen. Tycker att det är rätt bra då man som senior har lättare att få kurser som man måste ha den terminen för att ta examen. Jag har satt ihop mitt schema, och kommer att registrera mig för följande kurser imorgon (beskrivningarna av kurserna är tagna från skolans hemsida):
Income Tax Accounting: A study of basic tax concepts and income taxation of individuals. Emphasis is placed on the determination of income and statutory deductions in order to arrive at the net taxable income. Consideration is given to tax planning as well as decision-making and tax return problems.
Cost Accounting: A study of cost accounting principles and techniques of assembling data for product costing and for managerial use in planning and control and decision making. Cost terminology, cost behavior, job order and process costing, budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, standard costs, and activity based costing are topics covered.
Auditing Principles: An introduction to auditing concepts and procedures. Emphasizes generally accepted auditing standards; professional responsibilities; the nature, acquisition, evaluation, and documentation of audit evidence; internal control; and the auditors reports.
Fitness for living: Students will gain an understanding of physical conditioning and wellness pertaining to the five components of health-related fitness. Students will develop an understanding of lifestyle related diseases and behavior modification techniques. In addition, there will be opportunities to participate in a variety of movement experiences related to fitness.
Managerial Economics: An integration of economic tools of analysis with optimization techniques such as calculus, LaGrangian multipliers and linear programming. Additional topics include risk analysis and decision-making and uncertainty, inventory control, profitability analysis, and capital budgeting.
Strategic Management & Policy: The evaluation of external environmental factors and internal organizational strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of formulating organization strategies.
Som ni ser tror jag att det kommer bli en ratt jobbig termin... Eftersom jag ar tvungen att ta tre kurser i sommar sa kandes det sakrare att de tuffare kurserna under varen da sommarkurserna ar sa himla intensiva. Fitness for living ar bara en credit och jag tror den kommer vara aslatt, sa jag kommer ta den online, men resten av kurserna tror jag som sagt kommer vara ratt tunga. On the brighter side, detta ar min sista "riktiga" termin som en undergrad student, sen ar det bara sommaren kvar! Graduation date ar satt till den 3:e augusti!!
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